A Gratitude Journal: 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Best Life

A Gratitude Journal: 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Best Life

gratitude Journal with pen and paper clip on table

At the beginning of the year, I decided to start a gratitude journal. It’s an easy concept; at the end of each day, list 10 things you’re grateful for. I have to be honest, when I first started this exercise I was skeptical. What was it really going to do for me? I mean, I’m grateful for everything I have. Well, at least I thought I was. But what I found was that sitting down and thinking of ALL THE THINGS, really changed my outlook and forced me to put my thoughts in a positive place. It’s been such a good experience, I hope you’ll try it too.

Here’s 3 key things I learned from my gratitude journal:

  1. Living in gratitude creates abundance in your life. Since starting this journal, my life feels more full and satisfying than ever. I literally changed nothing, acquired nothing, and bought nothing. I just put down all the things that are great in my life on a piece of paper every day and bam, my entire mindset and perception have changed. Everyday I wrote in my journal, I got more and more in tune with seeing what is there versus what isn’t there (yet). Going from obsessing about things we want to being grateful for the things we already have, will create a massive mind shift so we can see our lives as being very full and not lacking one bit. 
  2. I‘m happier than ever before & nothing is getting in the way of that happiness. I’ve been able to keep a positive attitude in any situation. This started out as a conscious effort, reminding myself to stay positive and focus on all the things I have and how blessed I truly am. Now, after about a month of daily journaling, it’s a natural reaction to find the positive aspects and move on from whatever negative thing just happened. I immediately go to the most recent positive things that happened and celebrate those. It’s about reframing and training your mind to amplify the good and let go of the bad.
  3. It helps put things into perspective. Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck on things that might go wrong in your day. When I’m focusing on all the wrong things, journaling helps me see the good stuff. The more we express gratitude for what we have, the more we have to be grateful for- figuratively and literally.

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    why you should have a gratitude journal

    All in all I realized, life isn’t going to be perfect, we aren’t going to be perfect, so let’s focus on the positive and celebrate the wins. A gratitude journal can give you the keys to really unlock the best version of yourself.

    Do you think you’ll start a gratitude journal?

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