Charity Partner Spotlight: Lupus Research Alliance

Charity Partner Spotlight: Lupus Research Alliance

Oh yes, Change Maker, May is Lupus awareness month so we've got to spotlight our charity partner for the month, Lupus Research Alliance (LRA). Lupus is a very underfunded disease, meaning that there's not a lot of money being put toward research by the government or private donors. The Lupus Research Alliance is the largest private funder of lupus research on a mission to find the cause, cure and better treatments for lupus.

who is affected by lupus

The Lupus Research Alliance

The LRA was formed in 2016 by the merger of three smaller lupus research organizations- Alliance for Lupus Research, the Lupus Research Institute, and the S.L.E. Foundation. Since joining forces, they've given over $200 million to lupus research programs, allotted more than 500 grants and partnered in over 12 clinical trials.

The best part about the LRA is that 100% of every donation goes directly to research because all of the administrative and fundraising expenses for the charity are paid by the generous board of directors. Isn't it wonderful to know that every dollar we raise will go towards finding the cause and cure? I know it makes me feel good! 

there is no single test for lupus

Not only does the LRA fundraise for lupus, they also advocate for the disease on Capitol Hill, trying to secure precious funding from lawmakers. The only way to fight lupus is with research. We need a better understanding of the disease in order to solve critical issues like the exact cause. Each discovery is a building block for the next, so funding this research is key to success in pushing our knowledge about lupus forward.

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lupus jewelry and lupus research alliance pin with scientist


Do you or someone you know have lupus? Here's a community and lots of resources for you to check out on the LRA website. I also have a private support group on Facebook where you can share your trials and triumphs, in a safe space with other people in similar situations. Click here to join.

what causes lupus diagram

The LRA is committed to, "free the world of lupus through the power of science." Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Consider helping fight lupus by checking out the Support Lupus Research Collection, which is our way of helping fund the important research toward a cause, cure and better treatment of lupus. For every piece of jewelry you purchase, 10% is donated directly to the Lupus Research Alliance. You'll have a quiet reminder and a subtle way to show your support for lupus.

fist wearing the forget me not ring for lupus awareness and research


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