Design Inspiration: Forget Me Not Ring for Lupus Research-Revive Jewelry

Design Inspiration: Forget Me Not Ring for Lupus Research

If you can believe it, it's time for another Cause of the Month design inspiration post! The Forget Me Not Ring for Lupus Research is the release for May in honor of Lupus Awareness Month. Read on to hear about my personal connection with lupus, why I created this ring and how it's made.

Introducing the Forget Me Not Ring for Lupus Research

forget me not ring for lupus research

My Personal Connection to Lupus

You may already know my brother, Zack, has lupus. I've mentioned his story many times, but in case you've missed it, I'll tell you about it a little.

In 2012, Zack started to be really tired and have some weird inflammation and swelling. At first we thought it would go away, but his symptoms kept getting worse. Until one day his pain was so bad that we took him to the hospital. He was in excruciating pain while doctors tried to diagnose what was wrong. It took 5 days and a whole lot of tests to finally hear, Zack has lupus.

zack thriving with lupus making a funny face

Zack in his natural habitat, being himself :)

Lupus is an auto-immune disease where your immune system attacks your healthy cells by mistake. No one knows what causes lupus and there's no known cure. The drugs they use to treat it aren't even created specifically for it. 

We were devastated and scared, knowing that Zack's life would never be the same. He'd be taking daily medications and have to avoid things that can cause a flare up. I remember being really afraid that he wouldn't be able to live a normal life. But Zack didn't let it get him down.

Zack doing stand up despite his lupus diagnosis

Zack doing stand up. He's the funniest person I know!

He followed all the advice of his doctors and assumed a positive outlook about everything. Instead of letting his diagnosis define him, he pressed forward living his life the way he wanted, just with a few modifications. Now he's doing great, thriving as a writer, comedian and musician (even despite Covid-19). 

Inspiration for The Forget Me Not Ring

Zack's story isn't typical. Many people who have lupus experience many more effects of the disease, like intense joint pain, extreme fatigue and even hair loss. Lupus seems to affect more women and people of color.  And, sadly, lupus is a very underfunded disease.

lupus ring on hand

Zack is my original inspiration for the Support Lupus Research Collection, but this ring and it's name comes from my desire to help the under represented lupus community. Let us not forget about all the diseases that need and deserve our support. I suspect there is a reason for this underfunding, but we have the power to change it. 

For every Forget Me Not Ring you buy, 10% of gross profit is donated to the Lupus Research Alliance. Our charity partner  uses 100% of the funds donated for research into better treatments, the cause and a cure for lupus. By purchasing this ring you're helping fund a better tomorrow, honoring your battle and remembering everyone affected by this disease.

How It's Made

Just like my other designs, the round pendant of this ring has a cell image of lupus. I cut it out & then put resin on top to give it a shiny stone like quality. I used a small portion of this photo- can you tell which part?  

systemic lupus Erythematosus histology slide

Histology slide of vacuolar interface dermatitis, a skin reaction many lupus patients experience.

Here's a step by step video on how I make the pendants.

Behind the Scenes- Design Process from Nikki Zazzali on Vimeo.

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Buy Your Ring Now

lupus awareness jewelry on hand making a fist

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If you'd like to have a quiet reminder and a subtle way to show your support for lupus, consider purchasing the Forget Me Not Ring today. Click here to shop now.


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