All you June babies are lucky because you've got 3 birthstones to choose from- Alexandrite, Moonstone & Pearl. So why do you get three choices? And what does each stone look like? Let's answer that and also talk about the metaphysical properties and some birthstone jewelry for the perfect June birthday gifts.
Why Does June Have 3 Birthstones?
Alexandrite is super rare and expensive, so to make birthstone jewelry more accessible, industry leaders got together and decided to adopt another stone. There are 2 lists of birthstones according to the Jewelers of America or the British National Association of Geologists, which is why sometimes the choices differ & we end up with multiple birthstones for one month. In this case one association chose Pearl, and the other chose Moonstone.
Since Alexandrite is so rare, we'll focus mostly on the Moonstone & Pearl for this article. If you're curious about Alexandrite, learn more here.
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About Moonstone
Moonstone is part of the feldspar family, most notable for its luminescence, or the flashes of colored light you see when you hold the stone at different angles. The best quality Moonstones will have a clear color with blue flashes, however I prefer them to have a slight milky white coloring with the flashes- just a personal preference.
Moonstone Metaphysical Properties
Moonstones represent love, passion, and fertility. When I was trying to get pregnant, I wore a moonstone all the time (and eventually got pregnant). It's also said that wearing a moonstone brings you good luck.
A stone of inner changes and growth, moonstone brings you peace and helps you deal with stressful times by stabilizing your emotions and evoking calm. Find strength and inspiration from within with this stone that enhances your intuition and connects you to the moon's higher energy.
About Pearl
Natural pearls are very hard to find these days due to over harvesting. Almost all pearls on the market today are cultured, which is an accepted and humane way of creating these gorgeous, timeless treasures. Pearls can come in a variety of shapes and colors, but the more perfect the shape & luster, the more expensive the pearl.
Pearl Metaphysical Properties
Pearls have traditionally been associated with purity, humility & innocence which is why they've been given as wedding gifts for centuries. They are also said to bring the wearer long life and prosperity.
Pearls can also connect you to your ancestors when you wear them, mainly because they tend to be a stone passed between generations. They'll help enhance your personal integrity and bring truth to situations. Plus, my absolute favorite, wear pearls to strengthen your loyalty to a cause.
Pearl & Moonstone Jewelry
If you're looking for a June birthday gift check out some of our Moonstone & Pearl Jewelry. These are the perfect gift that gives twice because 10% is donated to life-saving research for each item you purchase.
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