AIDS researcher from ADARC

Partner Spotlight: Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center

December is such a busy month with all the hustle & bustle of the holidays, but with the month almost half gone, I'd like to tell you about our charity partner for this month: the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (ADARC).

Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center

The Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center is the worlds largest organization dedicated solely to fighting AIDS/HIV. Founded in 1988 to combat the AIDS crisis in New York, Irene Diamond created this joint venture between the Diamond Foundation & the New York Health Department. Headed by Dr. David Ho since 1989, the organization has made countless advancements towards finding a cure. Recently, ADARC was absorbed into Columbia University Irving Medical Center as Dr. Ho became a Professor there.

dr. David Ho & Irene Diamond from ADARC website
Dr. David Ho & Irene Diamond in 1991

Since its founding, ADARC has made so many major advances including antiretroviral therapy which transformed this once deadly disease into something manageable for patients. This has helped to curb the death rate, which has significantly declined since 1996. 

The scientists at ADARC are continuing to work on anti-body based approaches for treatment and prevention, while testing long-term antiretroviral drugs as a prophylaxis treatment to stop the spread of HIV. Plus, they're making headway towards a vaccine! 

What's even more exciting about ADARC is that since the recent Coronavirus pandemic, they've been using their past research findings to help create a vaccine & are even looking to continue this research for pandemic prevention.

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HIV & AIDS charity partner spotlight, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and awareness jewelry that gives back

Revive Jewelry & ADARC 

When I started this journey to help others find their strength, raise awareness, and raise money for charity, I knew I wanted to make the most of what I could do to support the causes that create positive change for the future. When I recently unveiled my design for the new Speak Up Necklace for HIV & AIDS Awareness, I wanted to encourage you to use your voice and talk about the cause that matters to you most. The more voices we can rally together, the further we can push research forward. Just look at all the amazing progress that's been made; releasing preventative medicines and getting closer to a vaccine. That wouldn't be possible without a whole lot of people, like you, speaking out for change!  

Speak Up Necklace for HIV/AIDS Awareness & Research

Speak up necklace for HIV & AIDS awareness

This new necklace, along with a collection of other designs, offer patients and the at risk community a chance to take back their sense of strength by donating to AIDS/HIV research funds. That’s why I’m honored to partner with ADARC this December.


For the past 4 decades, ADARC has made countless advancements and the dedication to their work has led them to create a manageable treatment process for a once deadly disease.  This is what funding research is all about! There is promise that with enough funding & research, we can create a manageable treatment plan or prevention technique for diseases we never thought possible.

I’m so inspired by the work of ADARC! I hope you’ll join me in supporting their organization and providing a better chance for people to beat AIDS/HIV globally.

In the past, our partnership with ADARC has led us to create unique designs for research, participate in spreading awareness & information, and host our own fundraising events. Now, thanks to the support of all you incredible Change Makers, we’ve been able to donate over $100 to the cause.

Wouldn't you love to see that number increase x10?! Let’s keep working together to make an impact on HIV/AIDS research and awareness.

I hope you’ll join me this month in supporting this amazing cause! Take a look at all of the pieces in my collection and make a difference in someone’s life.

More from the Support HIV & AIDS Research Collection

HIV & AIDS awareness jewelry collection

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