November is in full swing and I’m excited to spend time reflecting on what I’m thankful for in my life. Change Makers, how do you practice gratitude in your lives? For me, I spend time thinking about the people who make me feel loved and what I can do to always be there for them, too. That’s why this November, I’m partnering with the GO2 Foundation to help fund research and awareness about lung cancer.
You might’ve heard of the Go2 Foundation as a merger of the Lung Cancer Alliance and Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation. This year, these two organizations joined forces to transform survivorship by delivering resources, advancing patient care, building disease awareness, and more. They’re especially empowering millions of people to take direct advocacy action to increase federal research funding, new treatment approvals, and better access to high-quality care.
In 2018, they reached out and impacted over 17,000 patients in community care environments by allocating standardized best practices in lung cancer care. Their research institute also supports projects focused on identifying genomic markers driving specific rare forms of cancer and ways that people might become resistant to life-saving medicines. Also, they research the reasons why young adults might be susceptible to lung cancer.
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In the United States, a staggering average of 181 women die from lung cancer every day. But, we don’t know enough about why women face such a higher risk and what we can do to help them. That’s just one of the reasons why we should support this foundation’s work to find a cure and increase health awareness.
Not only do they fund grants for such incredibly important research, but they also support a community of survivors and their families across the globe. Their outreach has built and engaged a network of people raising each other up to fight back against the sense of powerlessness caused by cancer. The GO2 Foundation shows us that together, we truly can achieve anything!
The reason that I’m personally inspired to support this organization is because my grandpa Mike passed away from lung cancer. He meant so much to me and I want to be able to give back to the great man who always supported me. All the ways that he helped me feel safe and protected over the years led me to create the Guardian Angel for Lung Cancer Research pendant. This design is a representation of the people in our lives who look out for us and our wellbeing, even when they’re not with us. It’s about regaining our courage and tenacity against any of the hardships we face in life. No matter what you’re going through, your guardian angel will always be with you.
Creating this necklace reminded me of my own ability to thrive thanks to the lessons I learned from my grandpa. Although he might have been taken from me and my family too soon, his legacy continues to live on in the ways I can impact people facing his same experiences.
This pendant joins a range of lung cancer jewelry whose proceeds go directly to supporting the GO2 Foundation. Help them continue their free helpline and support system, create educational materials, assist people navigating clinical trials and treatments, and much, much more.
Through our partnership with the Lung Cancer Alliance, which is now a part of the GO2 foundation, we’ve been able to donate $400 toward life-saving research. It’s amazing how much you’ve helped this incredible cause, Change Makers! Your ongoing support means the world to people suffering from cancer.
This November, let’s team up again to get the word out about lung cancer risk and prevention! Consider supporting the GO2 Foundation with a purchase from my Support Lung Cancer Research Collection.
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