Revive Jewelry 2020 highlights collage

2020 Wrap Up & What's Coming in 2021

Oh my goodness Change Makers, how is it already the end of 2020?! In a year that's felt like lifetimes, with societal upheaval, racial injustice issues, a crazy presidential election and global pandemic I think we should just be proud that we survived! But, I challenge you to look back & see what good came out of this year- find some silver linings. I know they're there because I have a few of my own that I'm gonna share with you now!

I started out 2020 with high hopes and marked the year's theme as, "perfect vision." And while that vision definitely changed, and got cloudy sometimes, it's funny but it turned out to bring a lot of good. There were so many challenges, but with challenge comes growth and I'm grateful for that. Let's take a look back at some of the awesome things we accomplished this year:

awareness ribbon banner

Donations total almost $1500 spread across 19 charities!

First, let's start with this amazing number: we donated almost $1500 this year to 19 different causes! That's awesome & it's all because of you, Change Maker. These donations will help fund research for cures, better treatments, patient programs, help centers, and more. Plus, every time you wear your Revive Jewelry, you're spreading awareness & creating positive change for a better future. 

Check out this pie chart to see how the donations are spread out based on the causes you chose to support: 

2020 revive jewelry charity donations

Isn't it so interesting to look at which causes get the most support & which ones could use a little boost? This is my favorite year-end activity because I get to see the causes that matter most to you & it helps to know what you wanna see next year. If you have some ideas for new jewelry or new causes I'd love to hear them- contact me here.

New Website

Right when Covid hit & it was clear that we weren't going to be able to go on with normal in person events, I knew it was time to focus on some things I've had on my to-do list for a while. The first thing I tackled was designing a new website. I think it turned out fabulous, if I do say so myself!

This layout is much more use friendly, making it easy to shop by cause or type & creating new categories like gift sets & customize. I love how much more visual it is too- room for lots more photos & special pages to highlight all the cause partners and our mission

I'd love to know what you think about the new website layout- click here to leave feedback!

Instagram Live Interview Series

Instagram live interviews on IGTV @revivejewelry

With all the overwhelming information going around on social media and being so unsure of what was happening from day to day, I decided to start an Instagram Live Interview Series where I spoke to some of our charity partner representatives to get the real inside scoop about Covid and what to do if you were at risk. 

Not only did we talk about tips for dealing with Covid, but we also highlighted the charities themselves & their programs. What's awesome too is that these Instagram TV videos are all available on my Instagram profile for you to watch any time. Click here to check them out! 

Monthly Cause Spotlight & Releases

cause of the month releases in 2020

This year, I highlighted a different cause each month with a new jewelry release and blog posts around the facts, charity partner, prevention and different education topics about that cause. Over the year we highlighted: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Childhood Cancer, Infertility, Lupus, Alzheimer's, Sarcoma, Lymphoma, Ovarian Cancer, Breast Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, & HIV/AIDS

Shop the Cause of the Month collection here.

Expanded Causes to Include: Covid 19, Grin2b & Infertility 

Not only did I have 12 new releases to coincide with the causes of the month, but I also expanded the cause offerings to include 3 brand new causes: Covid 19, Grin2b & Infertility. 

covid 19 stretch bracelet

The Covid 19 stretch bracelet currently donates 100% of profit to the WHO to fund the coronavirus vaccine. While I'm not sure how long I will continue offering this bracelet, it's proven to be one of my best sellers this year & has accounted for a majority of the donations that went out this year! Definitely a step in the right direction when it comes to fighting this pandemic.

The Grin2b & Infertility causes will continue to be offered indefinitely and I'll be adding pieces to these collections as I go. 

Awareness Face Masks

awareness face mask

Probably my most favorite addition to my product offerings are the brand new Custom Cause Awareness Face Masks. I've been wanting to offer additional items like this for a long time, but thanks to the pandemic, I had the opportunity to make it work and make sense! And, they quickly became a best seller. Check them out by clicking here.

What's Coming in 2021

Now that we've taken a look back at some of the 2020 highlights, let's talk about what's in store for 2021!

New Jewelry Collections 

new jewelry design sketches

This year, I'll be moving away from the monthly releases to a 2 collection per year release model. There will still be monthly cause highlights, but I'm only going to release new jewelry twice per year. And keep your eye out because Spring/Summer is coming in January, followed by Fall/Winter in October.

Maternity Leave

Nikki & husband Rob holding up baby boy Z's onesie and vans to announce his arrival on 3/28/21

I also finally got pregnant in 2020! But that means I'll be taking a chunk of time off starting at the end of March to settle in with my baby and figure out what our family life looks like, aka maternity leave. I'm hoping to bring in some help to keep everything moving while I'm gone, but still working it all out. More details to come!

Price Increase

The pandemic has caused the price of precious metals to sky rocket. Like higher than high. So sadly, it has increased my material costs astronomically. I committed to keeping my prices the same through the end of 2020, but it's become really apparent that I'm going to have to raise my prices in the beginning of 2021.

clustered jewelry

I wish I could keep them the same, but I also have to make sure the margins make sense to keep the business afloat and still be able to give back. I promise to make these increases as minimal as possible, and I will give everyone in my Change Makers Club advance notice & a chance to purchase at the lower prices before they go up. Make sure you're part of the club so you don't miss out by joining here.

Whew, what a year. And I can't wait for all the amazing things coming in 2021 either. Let me know what your big plans are for 2021 in the comments!

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